Attorney Dongse Kang was previously a Patent Court Judge, Supreme Court Researcher (Intellectual Property Part), and Chief Judge, and now represents leading domestic companies such as Samsung Electronics in cases involving patent law, trademark and design rights, copyright, trade secret infringement, etc., with a success rate of over 90%. Attorney Kang is widely known as one of the top domestic IP attorneys, and was previously a university professor, lectured at various institutions, and has authored over 40 books and papers.
- 1984 Passed 26th Bar Exam
- 1987 Judicial Research and Training Institute (16th Class)
- 1987 ~ 1997 Judge, Seoul Civil District Court Southern Branch, Wonju Branch, Northern Branch; Seoul District Court, Eastern Branch
- 1999 Judge, Patent Court
- 2000 Researcher, Supreme Court
- 2002 Chief Judge, Incheon Regional District Cour
- 2000 ~ 2013 Lecturer, Judicial Research and Training Institute and Legal Research and Training Institute
- 2003 ~ 2005 Attorney, Law Offices of Dong-sae Kang, Myeongmoon Law Firm (Representative Attorney), Yulchon Law Firm (Partner)
- 2019 Partner, Class Law Firm
- 2023 Partner, ClassHankyul
- 2005 ~ 2007 Professor, Chung-Ang University College of Law (Intellectual property law)
- 2007 ~ 2008 Adjunct Professor, Sungkyun Kwan University Law School
- 2015 Adjunct Professor, Sejong University
- 2005 ~ Examiner (2nd exam), Bar Exam
- 2005 ~ Examiner (2nd exam), Patent Bar Exam
- 2011 ~ present Examiner (law school), Bar Exam
- Chairman, Incheon Southern District Election Management Committee
- 2016 ~ 2018 Member, Ministry of Defense Central Serious Casualty Review Committee
- 2017 ~ present Arbitrator, Korean Commercial Arbitration Board
- 2017 ~ present Conciliator, Korea Medical Dispute Mediation and Arbitration Agency
- 2016 ~ present Conciliator, Patent Court
- 2017 ~ present Director, Sookmyung Academy (Sookmyung Women’s University)
- 2019 ~ 2021 Chairman, Korea Communications Commission Communications Dispute Committee
- 2024 ~ present Member, National Veterans Affairs Committee
- 1977 Daeryun High School
- 1981 Seoul National University College of Law (LL.B.)
- 1984 Seoul National University Graduate School of Law
- 1998 Seoul National University Graduate School of Engineering Top Industrial Strategy Course
Representative Matters
- Represented Samsung Electronics and prevailed in multiple lawsuits involving the Korean language input device (Cheonjiin patent) on Samsung Electronics’ cellphones
- Represented SKT and prevailed in multiple lawsuits involving SKT v. Viber Media, Inc.
- Represented KT and prevailed in multiple lawsuits involving KT v. Ring Free
- Represented Donga Pharmaceuticals and prevailed in multiple pharmaceutical patent lawsuits regarding the cholesterol inhibitor atorvastatin involving Donga Pharmaceuticals v. Pfizer US
- Prevailed in multiple patent lawsuits regarding LCD prism sheets involving LMS v. 3M US
- Represented Samsung Electronics, SKT, and Ceragem in multiple job dispatch lawsuits and prevailed in over a hundred cases
- Achieved a high rate of success and not-guilty verdicts in other standard civil lawsuits
- Represented SKT and prevailed in multiple lawsuits involving SKT v. Viber Media, Inc.
- Represented KT and prevailed in multiple lawsuits involving KT v. Ring Free
- Represented Donga Pharmaceuticals and prevailed in multiple pharmaceutical patent lawsuits regarding the cholesterol inhibitor atorvastatin involving Donga Pharmaceuticals v. Pfizer US
- Prevailed in multiple patent lawsuits regarding LCD prism sheets involving LMS v. 3M US
- Represented Samsung Electronics, SKT, and Ceragem in multiple job dispatch lawsuits and prevailed in over a hundred cases
- Achieved a high rate of success and not-guilty verdicts in other standard civil lawsuits
저서 및 논문
- Understanding Intellectual Property Rights in the Context of Criminal Law (2003, Saechang Publications)
- Commentary on Legal Issues regarding Standard Provisions of the Unfair Competition Prevention Act (2017)
- Issues regarding Ghost Writers and Moral Rights (2012)
- Relationship between Amendments and Corrections for Patent Specifications (2008)
- 40 other papers
- Understanding Intellectual Property Rights in the Context of Criminal Law (2003, Saechang Publications)
- Commentary on Legal Issues regarding Standard Provisions of the Unfair Competition Prevention Act (2017)
- Issues regarding Ghost Writers and Moral Rights (2012)
- Relationship between Amendments and Corrections for Patent Specifications (2008)
- 40 other papers
T. 02-3288-3350
F. 02-3288-3351
E. kdsslaw@classhklaw.com